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Did you know, fewer than 20% of employees actually read their employment contract before signing? That’s staggeringly low for such an important document, and why our last ‘C’, contemporary, is key to boosting engagement.

Here are my top tips for creating contracts that are engaging, practical…and actually read:

Stop writing in the third person swapping ‘the Company’ for ‘we/us’ immediately creates a connection with your audience and creates a more personal, interesting and engaging read.

Cut out the jargon – if your reader is having to wade through little understood terminology you’re losing their attention, fast! Employment contracts should be user-friendly and easy to understand throughout.

Intuitive layout – create a ‘start, middle and end’ that corresponds with the employment journey to make it easier to navigate and find relevant detail.

Keep it simple – don’t worry about catering for every eventuality. From a legal perspective that can be unhelpful and means the length of the document will in itself switch off the reader.

Contact me here if you’d like to discuss how we can help you create more contemporary contracts. You can also use our free, self-service health check tool to see whether your employment contracts are fighting fit!
This update is accurate on the date it was published, but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.