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Intelligent Employment Hub

What can Intelligent Employment Hub do for you?

Employee data storage

Time to go paperless! Centralise and organise all your employee information in one place, keeping it safe, secure and accessible whenever you need it.

Manage holiday bookings

Self-service, shared calendars, and block-bookings make it a breeze to manage time off. Requests, approvals and amendments made direct to team managers create efficiencies and give HR some time back!

Drive performance

Encourage proactive performance routines with end-to-end process management supported with prep forms, agendas, SMART objects and automated reminders to make sure reviews never get missed and you smash your goals.

Absence management

Record, monitor, and proactively manage absences with the right tools, information and reminders at the right time. Spot trends, take action, and reduce the cost of absence on your business.

Organise your teams

Admin, manager and employee access levels to encourage and support autonomy, helping to reduce reliance on your HR team and keep everyone on track with automated reminders during key processes.

Quick reporting

Spot patterns and trends at individual, team or company level to take away the guesswork and help you make more informed business and people decisions.

Document access

Keep your people files organised and accessible, saving you the time spent searching in local folders and files, and providing a robust evidence trail should you ever need to rely on it.

What our clients think…