Individual redundancy toolkit
We know that individual redundancy processes can be an inevitable part of running a business.
They often require difficult conversations and difficult decisions. Our toolkit helps to support you by simplifying the complex and giving you the confidence to create a robust, compliant and compassionate process.

Here’s what’s included:
Our individual redundancy toolkit will support you end-to-end through the process. All of the templates and documents are straight-talking and user-friendly:
- Redundancy process flowchart
- Redundancy data spreadsheet
- Redundancy process and agenda
- Suggested selection criteria
- Voluntary redundancy acceptance letter
- Letter confirming selection criteria
- Letter invite to second formal meeting
- Letter confirming discussions at the second formal meeting
- Letter confirming decision to terminate the employee’s employment
- Letter offering to employee offering alternative employment
- Letter confirming the employee’s position is no longer at risk
- Letter invite to first formal meeting
- Letter confirming arrangements for appeal
- Letter confirming outcome of the appeal
Redundancy diagnostic tool
Redundancies are often an inevitable aspect of running a business. They require challenging conversations and difficult decisions in order to secure the best outcome for everyone.
Try our redundancy diagnostic tool to identify whether your processes are people-centric and you’ll also receive FREE ‘Managing Difficult Conversations’ eByte from our fantastic digital learning partners at Learning Nexus.