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As part of keeping you in our focus, our ‘legal lightbulb’ update ensures you’re on top of the latest changes in legislation, case law, and people trends.

Right-to-work checks and certified identity service providers

The government have published a list of certified digital identity service providers (IDSPs) for digital right-to-work checks. IDSPs will use Identification Validation Technology to carry out the digital document checks on your behalf. Covid-adjusted right-to-work checks ended on 30 September 2022 meaning that from 01 October you need to either:

  1. Carry out online checks via an Identification Service Provider (IDSP) as above
  2. Carry out checks in person ensuring the employee is providing original, untampered documents, along with taking and storing a signed and dated copy of the document/s

Update on the four-day working week trial

88% of organisations taking part in the UK’s four-day working week trial have found the trial was working well for their business and are likely to extend it beyond the end of the trial. The trial covers more than 3,300 workers with 46% of participant organisations maintaining the same level of productivity, 34% seeing a slight improvement, and 15% having a significant improvement. The trial is due to end in November.

Menopause, uniforms and indirect discrimination 

One in 10 women are likely to leave their job because of menopause symptoms. If wearing a uniform is an occupational requirement, consider how lightweight, breathable and appropriate it is for those who may be experiencing symptoms. If a policy on uniforms is more detrimental to a certain group, you must be able to justify that policy to avoid potential claims of indirect discrimination. With tribunal claims citing menopause increasing and the topic of uniforms in the headlines, taking positive, proactive steps to support can only have a positive impact.

People dates for your diary 

31 October – 04 November – Fertility Awareness Week

7-11 November – Talk Money Week

7-11 November – International Stress Awareness Week


This update is accurate on the date it was sent (04 October 2022), but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.

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