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Labour laws webinar Empowering People GroupIf you missed our recent webinar, ‘How to manage substantial employment law changes under a Labour government’, you can register using the form to watch it on-demand.

With the local election results giving a strong indication of the potential for a Labour Government, significant reform to employee rights could be just around the corner.

Labour have pledged to introduce substantial employment law changes in their first 100 days of government, if appointed, so, People and HR teams need to prepare for rapid change.

Simon Fowler, CEO of the Empowering People Group and AdviserPlus, Rena Christou, Managing Director of Halborns, and Rob Darby, Founder and CEO of 200° Coffee, independent speciality coffee company discuss all of the key proposals and how they will impact businesses, including:

  • Directors’ personal liability for employment law breaches
  • New ‘day one’ employment law rights
  • Managing significant change

If you’re responsible for implementing employment laws and people strategies, it’s not to be missed.

Get in touch if you need to discuss our support solutions – we have flexible and straight-talking solutions to fit every need. 
This update is accurate on the date it was published, but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.