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As part of keeping you in our focus, our ‘legal lightbulb’ update ensures you’re on top of the latest changes in legislation, case law, and people trends.

Annual tribunal limit increases

The Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order 2023 has been published, listing the usual annual tribunal award increases. The main increases to be aware of are:

  • Maximum compensatory award – now £105,707 (was £93,878)
  • A week’s pay for basic award and redundancy payments – now £643 (was £571)

New guidance on voluntary ethnicity pay gap reporting

The government has published guidance for businesses wanting to voluntarily publish their ethnicity pay data. The aim being to develop a consistent approach for businesses to follow in order to allow meaningful comparisons to be drawn.

The guidance provides advice on how to collect data, consideration of data protection issues such as maintaining confidentiality, calculations, reporting, and plenty more. Get ahead and have a go!

New Autism Employment Review announced

The focus of the review is on supporting businesses to recruit and retain individuals affected by autism and to benefit from a more neurodivergent workforce. Currently, less than three in 10 people with autism are in employment – the review will consider how employers can identify and better support individuals, as well as reducing the stigma around neurodiversity.

We’re creating a ‘neurodiversity toolkit’ for employers – get in touch to find out more.

People dates for your diary – June 2023

01-30 | Pride Month

05 | World Environment Day

05-11 | Bike Week

05-11 | National Growing for Well-being Week

12-18 | Men’s Health Week

Get in touch if you’d like to discuss anything we’ve covered in more detail.
This update is accurate on the date it was published, but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.

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