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You’d think with an experienced team of employment lawyers there’s nothing we haven’t seen – but Christmas never fails to deliver! Trashed hotel rooms, affair confessions, and an employee left on a motorway hard shoulder…we could go on.

Here are our hints and tips on making sure the only turkeys are those eaten on Christmas day!

Inclusive invites – make sure everyone is kept in the loop and given the option to accept or decline events, including employees on family-friendly leave or sick leave. It may not be the intention to leave anyone out but an inclusive approach avoids potential discrimination arguments (this case highlights the point).

Best behaviour – there’s a low threshold for successful harassment claims so ensure you set the right tone from the top down and deal quickly with any unwanted behaviour.

People policies – a subtle reminder of your key people policies should help to reduce potential calamities (think behaviour outside of work, dignity and respect at work).

Aligning managers – ensure you’ve reminded managers of the people challenges that might come their way in December and the reputational risks and further consequences if they fail to deal immediately with team members’ inappropriate behaviour.

Get in touch if you need our advice or guidance – Intelligent Employment is here to help. 


This update is accurate on the date it was sent (15 November 2022), but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.

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