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People policies are a great opportunity to help protect your business and explain your expectations.
You’ll save time and money in the long run!

Here are my top three suggestions to help set those expectations.

Out and about policies such as ‘being out and about on our business’ can help clarify what’s expected from your employees when they’re networking or attending a client/customer’s site. What they wear, whether they drink, what they pay for (to name a few) can all create challenge so a few lines in a policy can save much embarrassment (and the odd disciplinary!).

‘Side hustles’ – how do you feel about employees working outside of your organisation (perhaps for themselves or another company)? Is that ok, something you encourage, is it a complete ‘no-no’? Having a policy that requires employees to explain their intentions for work outside of your organisation can mean difficult conversations are avoided and you ensure they’re not working in breach of the Working Time Regulations (along with much more).

Social media – your employees can be your greatest asset, or your biggest risk. Set out what you consider is appropriate and how employees can use social media as a force for good (of course explaining what might happen if they don’t!).

Contact me here if it’s been a while since you’ve given your handbook or people policies the once over! Whether it’s a review or update, we’ve got a solution to fit.
This update is accurate on the date it was published, but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.