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A Bill has been put before parliament proposing to make it a legal requirement for businesses to offer Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training. At a time when only a third of businesses see employee well-being as their responsibility, this Bill could be a welcome step in a more positive direction for well-being and mental health at work.

Aimthe Bill aims to create parity between MHFA and physical first aid. Current legal obligations for employers don’t cover mental health support at work and refer only to the provision of physical first aid. The Bill aims to help better spot the early signs of mental health challenges at work.

Whymental health issues accounted for 51% of work-related illnesses last year. Having one (or multiple) trained Mental Health First Aiders means that you have specific individuals with the knowledge to ensure employees are directed to the right support when they need it. Looking at the bigger picture, ensuring every employee (or at least every manager) receives even basic level training and information about mental health issues should form part of any comprehensive well-being strategy.

We’ve built a mental health toolkit to help you proactively promote employee well-being, including introducing ‘mental health champions’ in your business. Get in touch to find out what’s included. 
This update is accurate on the date it was sent (14 February 2023), but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.

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