Keeping up to date

We take seriously our responsibility to keep you up to date so that you can use changes in employment law to commercial advantage. By understanding and interpreting the latest case law and legislation we can deliver updates to you that are concise and usable. With imagination, we are able to ensure that developing law can be used to allow you to achieve commercial solutions, cost effectively and expediently.

Kissing colleagues…

Published On: September 25th, 2023By

…might obviously be inappropriate. But have you ever experienced any of the following at work?

  • female colleagues being asked how they deal with juggling work and family
  • female colleagues left to do the tidying up after meetings
  • calling females ‘guys’ when you’re addressing a group

Even if most employees consider these are OK, maybe there’ll be one that says they’ve been subjected to discrimination and/or harassment. And with each of the above, they have a point. Times change. Laws move on. People expect more. People know more.

Our view is that if a concern is raised, an expedient, thorough, and balanced investigation is essential. Then, where liability is established, action must be taken swiftly – both legally and culturally. Learnings must embrace change and include effective policies which are trained upon.

Discrimination in whatever form creates division, poor performance, sadness, and inequality. Clearly, recent press has highlighted that these (and more) are very real experiences within the workplace. Get in touch to talk about any employment law support you might need.

We ensure you have the right policies in place to set the framework for your equality, diversity and inclusion expectations, and support with training to ensure you’re embedding and clearly communicating what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour. Get in touch.

This update is accurate on the date it was published, but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.