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The Menopause Workplace Pledge has seen over 600 UK employers sign up to help employees manage menopause at work. With one in 10 women likely to leave their job because of menopause symptoms, taking practical steps to support can only have a positive impact. Here are a few ideas…

Menopause policy – to proactively build a more open culture of understanding to support those affected. A great policy is just the beginning – it’s all about how you put it into practice. You’ll find our menopause policy on Intelligent Employment.

Training – did you know that 77% of businesses don’t train their line managers about menopause? Creating understanding around menopause isn’t just for those who may be affected. Training all colleagues will help normalise discussion and enable them to approach conversations with confidence.

Proactive steps – you could create menopause champions within the workplace as a first stop for those impacted, ensure any uniform is lightweight and breathable, provide portable desktop fans, or cover the cost of NHS HRT prescriptions.

Thinking flexibly – everyone’s experience will be different – think about how you can facilitate different working patterns or home-working arrangements for individuals who might be more comfortable managing symptoms at home.

These ideas are just the tip of the iceberg – we’d love to hear what support you have in place or what ideas you’re looking to introduce!


This update is accurate on the date it was sent (12 May 2022), but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.

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