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If you’re concerned that your culture is one that accepts low-level harassment (top performers getting away with more than others might for example) and you want to do something about it, start with your policies and training.

If you treat harassment with a low-level warning (such as a written warning) and then decide that you want to make an example of the next act of harassment, you’re likely to find yourself with a successful unfair dismissal claim. To reset standards and expectations you’ll need to:

Communicate – share your diversity and inclusion policy regularly and test understanding;

Train – support your managers to approach decision-making consistently and in line with your policies;

Note – all of the aggregating facts (accurately and in detail) that ultimately lead to a final written warning or dismissal.

We can support with rolling out the necessary policies and training to help reset standards – get in touch to find out more. 


This update is accurate on the date it was published (24 February 2022), but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.

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